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Our dedicated customer service team is here to assist you.

Contract for Differences (CFD)

General: +1300 600 644

Telephone: +61 02 8014 4280

Email Enquiries

Support: support@icmarkets.com.au

Accounts: accounts@icmarkets.com.au

Marketing: marketing@icmarkets.com.au

CFD customer service is available 7 days a week

Shares Trading

Telephone: +61 02 8000 7848

Email Enquiries

Support: shares@icmarkets.com.au

Accounts: shares_accounts@icmarkets.com.au

Share trading customer service is available 9am to 5pm/5 days a week

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Office Locations


International Capital Markets Pty Ltd
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Suite 2, Level 6
50 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Company registrations:

Australian Company Number

123 289 109

Australian Business Number

12 123 289 109

Australian Financial Services Number

335 692